ancient time, morning exercise and Dim Sum breakfast
cannot go without one's companions-the birds. The charming
Chinese-style garden on Yuen Po Street includes some
70 songbird stalls as well as courtyards and moongates
where let you see countless birds on sale, numerous
beautifully crafted wood and bamboo cages and tiny porcelain
drinking bowls are displayed as well.

has long played a significant role in Chinese history
and customs. Its immense popularity led to an entire
tea culture that governed the creation and manufacture
of precious tea wares as well as the subtle rituals
surrounding its consumption. Once your appetite for
tea has been whetted, proceed to a Hong Kong Tea House
where you will be introduced to the mystery and lore
of this beloved beverage. Then watch a demonstration
of tea making and tea drinking etiquette, Hong Kong
: 4.5 hours
Regular Tour operates on every Monday, Wednesday and
(Except 1st, 2nd and 3rd days of the Chinese New Year,
Christmas Day and New Year Day.)
Charter Tour is available for group